Audio on Jio Saavn


Used For
Ad Type
Lead Time (in days)
1 day
The Audio ad format offers four types of ad options. Native Audio features a 15-20 second non-dismissible audio ad that captures attention, followed by 15 minutes of high-share voice through multiple clickable display banners across the app for increased engagement. Standard Audio with Banner is a 10-30 second non-dismissible ad that plays between songs, with a clickable banner, making it effective during ultra-mobile moments like driving, cooking, or exercising. Standard Audio without Banner is a similar 10-30 second non-dismissible ad but without a banner, ensuring seamless engagement between songs. Dynamic or Innovative Audio Spot uses real-time data to personalize ad elements based on time, day, genre, and listener location, enhancing impact. The pricing model for this platform is CPM (Cost Per Impression), and various targeting options are available to optimize reach.
Rack Rate
₹ 0.169 / Per Impression
TMA Offer